Schools & Libraries

EPC Training Site Request Form

To gain access to the training site, complete the request form below.

First name:
Last name:
Email address:
Confirm your email address:
Phone:  (extension optional)

Select at least one login type by checking the appropriate box(es), and specify the number of logins needed. For example, if you are training 4 users and each user needs his or her own login, you would request login credentials for 5 users – one for each user and one for yourself. If your training is limited to a demonstration, you would only request login credentials for yourself.

Note: Consortium training site accounts are temporarily unavailable. We apologize for any inconvenience.

SelectLogin TypeNo. of Logins
Independent School
Independent Library
School District
Library System

Please select your role as a trainer and reason for conducting training. If you don’t see an exact fit, select the most appropriate choice:
