
 August 1, 2012 

Final P2 Funding Thresholds Set for FY2012 and FY2011

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the USAC Board have reviewed and approved USAC's proposed funding thresholds for FY2012 and FY2011 Priority 2 (Internal Connections and Basic Maintenance of Internal Connections) funding requests. The FCC and the USAC Board have approved USAC to take the following actions:

  • Set the final funding threshold for approved FY2012 Priority 2 (P2) funding requests at 90 percent. P2 funding requests at 89 percent and below will be denied for lack of funds.
  • Set the final funding threshold for approved FY2011 P2 funding requests at 88 percent. P2 funding requests at 87 percent and below will be denied for lack of funds.

USAC will target issuing commitments and denials using these thresholds next week.

Please note, however, that Program Integrity Assurance (PIA) reviews are ongoing, and USAC cannot issue funding decisions on an application until the reviews for all funding requests at all discount levels on that application are complete. For example, if an FCC Form 471 for FY2012 has one P2 funding request at 90 percent and another P2 funding request at 85 percent, USAC must wait until the review of the funding request at 90 percent has been completed before issuing a Funding Commitment Decision Letter for that application. Note further that the PIA review process may result in a change to the discount level(s) originally requested.

As a reminder, approved Priority 1 (Telecommunications Services and Internet Access) funding requests continue to be funded at all discount levels for both funding years.


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