
 March 9, 2013 

For Last-Minute Filers – Block 1 Reminders

Billed Entities

The Billed Entity – the entity that pays the bills – is entered in Block 1 of the form. If your Billed Entity has an entity number, the entity name and contact information will populate in the appropriate fields.

If you don’t have entity numbers – or you need to make changes to existing entity information – you can request them from the Client Service Bureau through Submit a Question, by fax at 1-888-276-8736, or by phone at 1-888-203-8100. Use the Submit a Question or fax options if you have more than two entities to create or update.

FCC Registration Number (FCC RN)

Entities that do business with the FCC must have an FCC Registration Number (FCC RN). If you have filed an application in a previous year, you already have an FCC RN.

If you don’t yet have an FCC RN for the Block 1 applicant, you can apply for one on the Commission Registration (CORES) System section of the FCC website. You must have an FCC RN to complete Block 1 of the form.

Consultant Registration Number (CRN)

A consultant is any non-employee of the entity applying for funding that assists in filling out the application materials for a fee. If you are using a consultant, you provide the Consultant Registration Number in Block 1 along with the name of the specific employee of the consultant that is assisting you.

When you enter the Consultant Registration Number, the form opens a dropdown list of employees for you to select the employee assisting you. The information for that employee then appears below.


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