January 2, 2015
Please continue to check the E-rate Modernization Order web page for links to additional information.
TIP OF THE WEEK: If your PIA reviewer attempted to contact you during the winter contact period (see below), please respond as soon as you are able to do so. A prompt and complete response will allow USAC to continue the review of your application.
Commitments for Funding Years 2014 and 2012
Funding Year 2014. USAC released Funding Year (FY) 2014 Wave 34 Funding Commitment Decision Letters (FCDLs) on December 31 and will release Wave 35 FCDLs on January 7. These waves include commitments for approved Priority 1 (Telecommunications Services and Internet Access) requests at all discount levels. As of January 2, FY2014 commitments total over $2.11 billion.
Funding Year 2012. USAC released FY2012 Wave 99 FCDLs on December 29. This wave includes commitments for approved Priority 2 (Internal Connections and Basic Maintenance) requests at 90 percent and denials at 89 percent and below. As of January 2, FY2012 commitments total just under $2.86 billion.
On the day the FCDLs are mailed, you can check to see if you have a commitment by using USAC's Automated Search of Commitments tool.
Winter Contact Period Ends Today
USAC may request additional information to complete the data entry of a paper form or the review of a certified form. In general, USAC asks for responses to its requests within 15 days. However, during a summer period and a winter period each year, the response requirements change to allow for extended holiday and break schedules.
The winter contact period is defined as the Friday before Christmas Day through the Friday after New Year's Day (i.e., December 19, 2014 through January 2, 2015). If our first attempt to reach you was on or after December 19, and we were not able to confirm by telephone that you were available to respond to our questions, we will not try again to contact you until after January 2. However, if we made a successful contact with you before December 19, your 15-day response clock started and we will act on the information we have on hand if we have not heard from you by the response deadline.
We define a successful contact as:
- A sent email message with no return notification of non-delivery or out-of-office response
- A sent fax with a confirmation of successful transmission
- A voicemail left at the contact person's telephone number if the recorded greeting does not state that the contact person is out of the office
- A live person answering our call at the contact telephone number or a return call responding to our message.
If you have received questions from Program Integrity Assurance (PIA) about the review of your FCC Form 471, be sure to either respond to the questions or request additional time on or before the response deadline.