

May 8, 2015

TIP OF THE WEEK: To check the status of your FY2015 application, use the View 471 Status tool (see below). Remember that you must certify your timely filed FCC Form 471 by 11:59 pm EDT on Tuesday, May 26 for your form to be considered in-window.

Commitments for Funding Years 2014 and 2013

Funding Year 2014. USAC will release Funding Year (FY) 2014 Wave 53 Funding Commitment Decision Letters (FCDLs) on May 13. This wave includes commitments for approved Priority 1 (Telecommunications Services and Internet Access) requests at all discount levels. As of May 8, FY2014 commitments total over $2.20 billion.

Funding Year 2013. USAC will release FY2013 Wave 89 FCDLs on May 14. This wave includes commitments for approved Priority 1 requests at all discount levels. As of May 8, FY2013 commitments total over $2.15 billion.

On the day the FCDLs are mailed, you can check to see if you have a commitment by using USAC's Automated Search of Commitments tool.

USAC Provides Demand Estimate for FY2015 to FCC

On May 6, 2015, USAC reported to the FCC that the estimate of demand for FY2015 is $3.920 billion. This estimate is based on the total funds requested in FCC Form 471 applications received on or before April 16, 2015, the close of the FY2015 application filing window. 

How to Use the View 471 Status Tool

If you want to know the status of your FY2015 FCC Form 471, you can look it up using the View 471 Status Tool. This tool provides real-time information on the status of FCC Forms 471 filed for a specific Billed Entity and funding year.

To use this tool, you must enter a Billed Entity Number (BEN), choose a funding year, and click "Search." The first screen you see gives you general information about the results of your search. If you click "Continue" at the bottom of the page, you will then see a list containing the following information for every FCC Form 471 filed for the BEN and funding year you entered:

  • FCC Form 471 Application Number (assigned by USAC)
  • Applicant Form Identifier (created by the Billed Entity)
  • Application Status

Below the list of search results is an Application Status Explanation table that provides information on each of the statuses that can be assigned to an FCC Form 471.

Certified FCC Forms 471 – that is, forms that were filed online and certified either online or on paper – generally begin with one of two statuses: Certified - In Window or Certified - Out of Window.

  • Forms for FY2015 that were certified online or on paper on or before April 16, 2015 will generally show a status of Certified - In Window.
  • Forms certified online or on paper after April 16, 2015 will generally show a status of Certified - Out of Window.
  • Note that the status of some out-of-window FY2015 FCC Forms 471 will be changed to Certified - In Window in the near future. For FY2015, these include forms submitted online on or before 11:59 pm EDT on April 16, 2015 and then certified either online or on paper after the filing window closed but on or before the extended certification deadline of May 26.

FCC Forms 471 in a Certified - In Window status remain in that status until they are assigned to an initial reviewer to begin the Program Integrity Assurance (PIA) application review process. Once the form has been assigned to an initial reviewer, its status changes to Initial Review.

Your initial reviewer may have questions about your application. If so, he or she will attempt to contact you using the contact email address you indicated on the FCC Form 471.

After the initial review of an application is complete and the reviewer has recommended a decision on funding, the status of the application changes to Available for Final Review. Once the application has been assigned to a final reviewer, the status changes to Final Review.

NOTE: The final reviewer reviews the work of the initial reviewer. If the final reviewer discovers a problem – such as a procedure that was not correctly followed – he or she returns the application to the initial reviewer for additional work. If this happens, the status of the form will change back to Initial Review and your initial reviewer may contact you again. In other words, because this tool shows real-time status, you should not be concerned if your application moves back to Initial Review. However, you should monitor the email address you provided on the form in case the initial reviewer tries to contact you again.

After the final reviewer is satisfied that all procedures have been properly followed and the decision of the initial reviewer is correct, the application may be subject to additional quality checks, and may move to the status Available for Quality Assurance, Quality Assurance 1, or Quality Assurance 2. As above, if a problem is identified during quality assurance, the form will return to Initial Review status for resolution.

Once the review process is complete and USAC has issued a decision on an FCDL, the status of the FCC Form 471 changes to FCDL Issued - 'xx/xx/xxxx' where the x's are replaced by the date the FCDL was issued. Note that if some individual funding requests on the application are in an "As Yet Unfunded" or "Under Review" status, one or more subsequent FCDLs may be issued until USAC has issued a funding decision on all the funding requests on the application. If USAC issues more than one FCDL, the date featured on the form's status will be the date of the latest FCDL for that form.

Some applications may be held or deferred. The following statuses indicate that review of an application has been temporarily suspended:

  • Unable to Contact: USAC has attempted to reach the contact person using the information available on the form and in our database and has been unable to do so. If your application is in this status, you should contact your initial reviewer. If you don't know who your initial reviewer is or are unable to locate his or her contact information, call the Client Service Bureau (CSB) at 1 (888) 203-8100 and ask for assistance.
  • Deferred: USAC has been unsuccessful in contacting you during the summer or winter periods when extended holiday and break schedules occur or – during one of those periods – you asked us to defer our review. (For more information on these summer and winter periods, successful contacts, and response deadlines, refer to the guidance document Missing Information posted on the USAC website.) If you feel you should not be in this status, contact your initial reviewer or CSB as described above.
  • Awaiting Applicant Documentation: USAC has requested information or documentation from you but does not yet have your response. Contact your initial reviewer if you have any questions about this status.
  • Held for further review and other verification: USAC needs to collect additional information and/or verify information already provided before a funding decision can be made. In some cases this can happen quickly; in others, the additional work will take some time.

USAC will not review applications that have the following statuses:

  • Canceled: In general, a form in Canceled status was canceled in consultation with the applicant.
  • Incomplete: A form in Incomplete status is an online form for which the "Submit" button has not yet been pushed.
  • Complete: A form in Complete status was submitted successfully online but has not yet been certified. Forms not certified by the extended certification deadline (see above) will generally remain in a Complete status.
  • Certified - Out of Window: A form that remains in Certified - Out of Window status was submitted after the filing window closed or certified after the extended certification deadline or both. 


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