

Special Edition

March 16, 2017

Temporary Issues with FCC Form 471 in EPC

Some applicants are reporting difficulty in filing FCC Forms 471 today. Generally these applicants have lost contact with their form and the system has not created a task for them to return and continue their work.

  • If you receive a message that your form is out of window, please contact our Client Service Bureau (CSB) at 1-888-203-8100 and provide your form number. We will contact you individually when your issue has been resolved.
  • For all other issues, we should be able to locate and restore your FCC Form 471 within 24 hours. If you are still unable to locate your form after that time, please contact our Client Service Bureau (CSB) at 1-888-203-8100. 

Please note the FCC Form 470 is not affected, and applicants can continue to file this form if they need to do so.

We apologize for any inconvenience.


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