


June 1, 2018

TIP OF THE WEEK: Visit the Online Learning Library to watch instructional videos and webinars. Recent videos include a walkthrough of the FCC Form 486 and a review of the new decision letter format for funding commitments.

The FCC Form 486 webinar recorded on May 23, 2018, is also available for viewing.

Commitments for Funding Years 2018 and 2017

Funding Year 2018. USAC released Funding Year (FY) 2018 Wave 7 Funding Commitment Decision Letters (FCDLs) on May 26. As of June 1, FY2018 commitments total over $970 million. USAC is scheduled to release FY2018 Wave 8 FCDLs on June 2.

Funding Year 2017. As of June 1, FY2017 commitments total just over $2.29 billion.

On the date that FCDLs are issued, you can access your FCDL notification from the Notifications section of your landing page in the E-rate Productivity Center (EPC).

Category Two (C2) Budget Tool Updates

To improve C2 budget data quality and transparency in the Schools and Libraries (E-rate) Program, USAC has updated the C2 Budget Tool multipliers to match the same precision that’s used in EPC. Additionally, USAC has added FY2018 funding requests and commitments to the C2 Budget Tool calculations.

We will provide more information about C2 budgets in an upcoming edition of the SL News Brief.


Newly Deployed EPC Modifications

On Friday, May 25, 2018, we deployed the following modifications to help program participants:

Funding Commitment Decision Letter (FCDL)

  • FY2017 and FY2018 FCDL email notifications are now sent to the FCC Form 471 main contact, the FCC Form 471 certifier, and the account administrator for the billed entity. There are no changes to the service provider recipients.
  • The FCDL email subject line now includes the FCC Form 471 application number.

Revised Funding Commitment Decision Letter (RFCDL)

  • When a post-commitment action is filed by an applicant, the RFCDL email notifications featuring USAC's decision are now sent to the main contact listed on the request, the person who submitted the request, and the account administrator for the billed entity.
  • The service provider general contact will also receive a copy of the letter. In the event that the general contact account is inactive, the service provider account administrator will receive the letter.
  • When a post-commitment action is filed by a service provider, the RFCDL email notifications featuring USAC's decision are now sent to the main contact listed on the request, the person who submitted the request, and the service provider general contact. In the event that the general contact account is inactive, the service provider account administrator will receive the letter.
  • The general contact and account administrator for the billed entity will also receive a copy of the letter.
June 20 Webinar - Register Today
In June, our webinar topic will be Understanding Post-Commitment Actions. We will discuss filing appeals and waivers, Filing an FCC Form 500, requesting invoice deadline extensions and service delivery deadlines, making "SPIN" Changes and service substitutions, updating contact information, and transferring equipment.
If you would like to learn more about these topics, please join us for the live webinar at 3:00 p.m. EDT on Wednesday, June 20. You will be able to pose questions during the webinar using the chat function. USAC staff members will be responding to individual questions in real time using the chat function, and the webinar facilitators will also respond to questions of general interest at the end of the webinar.
To register for the webinar in advance, go to the Webinars page in the Trainings & Outreach section of our website or click here. If you register but are unable to attend, you can click the registration link to watch a recording of the webinar.

To subscribe, click here: Subscribe.
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